This page contains a description of the way in which the personal data of those consulting this website are handled.
The information is provided pursuant to the terms of article 13 of legislative decree 196/2003 on the protection of personal data and is aimed at those interacting with the web services of Hotel Drago, Access to it is gained from:
The information is provided for the Hotel Drago website alone, not for any others that might be consulted by the user by way of links.
The information is also provided in accordance with recommendation no. 2/2001, which the European data protection authorities, meeting within the group set up pursuant to article 29 of directive 95/46/CE, adopted on 17th May 2001 to identify a number of minimum requirements for the online collection of personal data, with particular reference to the methods, timing and nature of the information that the organisations responsible for the processing have to pass on to the users when these connect to web pages, irrespective of the purpose of the connection. The recommendation and a brief description of its aims may be found in other pages on this site.
When this site is visited, data on persons identified or identifiable may be collected.
The organisation responsible for processing these is Hotel Drago, with registered office at in Piazza San Gottardo, 46 - 38016 Mezzocorona (TN).
The data processing operations regarding the web services offered on this site take place at the registered office of Hotel Drago as specified above, and are carried out by the technical personnel of the organisation responsible for the procedure, or by those carrying out occasional maintenance operations.
None of the data relating to the web service will be passed on or divulged.
The personal data supplied by the users issuing requests for information materials (requests for offers, requests for price lists, catalogues, etc) are used solely with a view to providing the service requested, and are only passed on to third parties when they are necessary for that purposes (for the despatch of the documents requested, where applicable).
The IT systems and software procedures used to run this website acquire some personal data during normal operation, whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
The information in question is not collected to be matched against identified interested parties, but could by their nature be used to identify the users, by means of processing operations and in combination with other data in the possession of third parties.
This data category includes IP addresses and the domain names of the computers used by those connecting to the sites, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses for the resources requested, the time of the request, the way the request is submitted to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the response status from the server (successful, error, etc) and other parameters on the operating system and IT environment of the user.
These data are used solely to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to ensure that it is running correctly, and are deleted immediately after they are processed. The data may be used to confirm liability in the event of criminal offences perpetrated against the website. Except in such a case, the data on the web contacts are not stored for more than seven days.
The optional, explicit and voluntary forwarding of email to the addresses indicated in this site mean of necessity that the address of the sender will be acquired, as this is necessary to reply to the requests, in addition to any other personal data contained in the message.
None of the personal data of the users will be acquired from the site.
Cookies are not used to transmit personal information, ands no persistent cookies, that is, user tracing systems, of any kind are used.
The use of session cookies (which are not memorised in persistent mode in the user�s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session ID codes (numbers generated at random by the server), which are necessary for the safe, efficient browsing of the site.
The session cookies used in this site do not require the use of other IT techniques which are potentially harmful to the user�s confidential browsing operations, and do not permit the acquisition of the personal identity data of the user.
The personal data are processed using automatic tools, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which they have been collected. Specific security measures are adopted to prevent the loss or illegal or incorrect use of the data, and unauthorised access to them.
The parties to whom the personal data refer have the right to confirmation of their existence at any time, and to obtain knowledge of their content and origins, to carry out checks to ensure that they are correct, and ask for them to be added to or updated, or corrected (art. 7 del d.lgs. n. 196/2003).
Pursuant to the terms of the same article, the user has the right to ask for the data to be deleted, transformed into anonymous form or stopped, when processed in violation of the law, as well as to raise objections to their processing at any time, when there are legitimate motives to do so.
Such requests should be passed on to Hotel Drago.
This privacy information may be consulted in automatic form from the most recent browsers implementing the P3P standard ("Platform for Privacy Preferences Project") proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (
Every effort is made to ensure that this site is interoperable with the automatic privacy control mechanisms available in a number of products that might be exploited by the users. Given that at the present time these automatic control mechanisms are not exempt from errors and malfunctions, please note that this document, published at:
makes up the "Privacy Policy" of this site, which will be subject to updates (the various versions will continue to be available for consultation purposes at the same address).